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2- What were the police doing with Kleenex?

The Prostitute Series Part 2 The Prostitute Series.

Where were we?

Oh yes, talking about whether a parking space could be a bawdy houses

Well, several Toronto police officers testified in court that for one month they had staked out for our Toronto's "finest" - prostitutes that is - who were operating from Queen St. W. and Manning Ave.

Now tell me, Mr. Minister, how much do you think it costs the city of Toronto to stake out four prostitutes for one month!!!!!!

The way the prostitutes operated was simple. First, the girls would stop and enter the cars. Once inside, they started talking - presumably to set the price - then drove to a parking area behind an apartment house on Richmond Street - (followed by the police - unobserved, of course.)

There the car pulled into the numbered parking stalls or the parking space at the north-east end of the lot, parked, and stayed a short while. Then it backed up and returned to Queen and Manning.

Observed prostitutes

The officers testified in Court that they had observed the prostitutes receive paper money. They also testified they had observed the prostitutes "engage in various acts of sex."

As part of the evidence collected during the investigation, the police officers testified they had collected 23 samples of Kleenex tissues."

Oh, you ask, what did the policemen do with the Kleenex? Why, they sent them to the Center of Forensic Sciences for analysis of course! The findings? Eighteen of them contained semen.

Mr. Minister, I can understand that the Kleenex was needed to complete the proof. But, between you and me, is picking up Kleenex a job for policemen?

As an aside, I must add, Mr. Minister, that the girls didn't seem to be doing a rip-roaring business during that month: the police officers only observed 19 times - divided by 4 girls.

And not evenly divided, I want you to know. One girl was a real slouch: only once....for a whole month!

Next: The Prostitute Stories. Part 3

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