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The confidence to be her own person: "I picked my own dress when I was 7!"

I go to the bank often. And I see her often at the bank. And each time her outfit is always different and always has great flair.

Her job at the bank is to help customers. One day I needed her help with the banking machines outside in the hall. And that’s when I blurted out. “You are an outstanding dresser. Your taste is highly original. I bet this great talent was evident when you were very little.”

She broke out into a big grin. “As a matter of fact I picked my first dress when I was 7! It was at a time when families with children received “family allowances.” All of $8.00 a month! enough to buy a dress for a 7-year old!

“My mother looked at me, seized me up, and then, without hesitation. gave me the $8.00 and said, “Go buy yourself a dress!”

“My mother went with me. But she didn’t interfere. I looked and I touched. And i held out for inspection. I fell i love with a dress, and went into the dressing room to try it on. I looked beautiful! The sale was made!

“The saleslady wrapped it up. I gave her the $8.00 I pulled out from my pocket and proudly carried my parcel out the door, mother following behind.

“What my mother and that shopping experience gave me as a 7-year old was the confidence in my choices. It is that confidence that has guided me to trust my judgment and to be creative in my shopping choices.

“In fact, it gave me everything. It gave me the confidence to be my own person.”

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