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A fighter! Who never gives up!

At 12 she was in the Philippines, going to school and working. At 17 she left a country where there was no work for Singapore to be a nanny in a Hong Kong family. When she told them she was applying to immigrate to Canada, a dream she had had since she was very little, they threw her out.

She returned to the Philippines and with the money she had saved up, built her mother a house.

And then returned to Singapore and applied again to emigrate. And was successful!

She arrived in Canada. Married in Montreal and paid $10,000 each of her two children to go to private school so they could be with their friends.

How many people do you know who had so little who has given so much? How many people do you know who had a dream, and persevered against all odds to achieve that dream?

She arrived in Canada. Married in Montreal and paid $10,000 for each of her two children to go to private school so they could be with their friends.

How many people do you know who had so little who has given so much?

How many people do you know who had a dream, and persevered against all odds to achieve that dream?

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