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How this blog, To Life with Love, got started.

My blog, To Life With Love, was born one day when I was standing in a little alcove off the main floor of Ogilvy’s.

Out of the clear blue, without any intention on my part, my attention was driven to the jewellery counter.

A fashionably dressed woman in her 70’s was leaning over the counter, engaged in a discussion with the saleslady.

I was captivated. What I was seeing was something very very rare.

The woman was interacting with the saleslady in the same way she would interact with a friend:

as two equals!

I was mesmerized. I wanted to share this experience with someone.

I turned my head to the left.

And noticed the sweet-faced young woman next to me in the alcove with shining blond hair.

She was beaming just like I was.

“Do you know her?”

She smiled sweetly. “She’s my grandmother.”

Having made her purchase, the woman approached us.

I couldn’t hold back.

“I saw the interaction between you and the sales girl.

It was something very special.

What makes you so wonderful?”

She gave me a warm smile.

And said very simply,

“I love life.”

In my wandering around Montreal speaking at random to people,

I have met others who have retained that woman's

marvelous quality.

The same quality little toddlers have:

that capacity to live in the moment.

To enjoy the moment.

That capacity to love life.

This is what I try to capture in To Life With Love!

A reader's comment about To Life with Love which I treasure.

"What a wonderful way to start my day !

Warm, loving observations of the people and places we often do not notice...

or worse, take for granted."

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