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Dear Jennie, as honorary grandmother, I need your guidance,

I am concerned I am doing things with your boys that you wouldn't approve,

for instance....I am very suspicious that they both LOVE to cook at my place!

What I’m concerned about is that it’s not so much the cooking that captivates them,

but the monstrous amount of sweet and fat they consume! To give you an idea….

Aidan loves “sweet,“ – so he adores making French toast –

and plastering it with icing sugar, whipped cream, maple syrup and chocolate sauce!

Liam loves “fat,” so tonight we had the fat special...

I have never seen so much fat on sliced bacon!

No wonder it was reduced to $2.00 from $6.00!

And Liam couldn’t get enough of it!

We are all having a ball. But I await your instructions!

Love, love and more love.


P.S: Before I forget to tell you,

you won”t have to save for Liam’s college education.

Liam will be able to support himself through his “card sharking!”

I won one game, but he tells me later he “threw” it my way because he felt sorry for me!

Now, that’s a card shark with a heart, so not to worry!

Dear Claire,

That's FUNNY!

As far as the cooking, I am happy they love to do that with you.

No limits to the fat -bacon etc. - go for it!

Sugar can always be curbed a bit. Just distract them with the fatty stuff.

and they won't miss the sugar!

Love Jennie!


Dear Claire. Aidan read this with me this morning and asked me,

"How come I can't have sugar with you, Mommy!!

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