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Entertainment! "Famous last words": "Keep talking, I'm getting to feel the part

One of my law clients, Robert Swerdlow, who had one of his plays performed Off-Broadway, tells the story of his grandfather, Y’chim Swerdlow, and his wife, Mrs. Swerdlow.

Y’chim, a famous Yiddish actor in his time, was invited down to Hollywood to make a movie.

His wife, dutifully, went with him. They were both in their late 70s - at a time when the late 70′s was…."Oooooold!"

While Mr. Swerdlow was in studio filming, his wife dutifully sat outside waiting.

One day, the director passed her on his way to the studio.

“Mrs. Swerdlow, what are you doing out here?”

“I’m vaiting for my husband,” she replied.

“But Mrs. Swerdlow, your husband is shooting a film. He’ll be here for 3 months.

Why don’t you become an extra and enjoy your stay in Hollywood!”

A month later, the director was in another studio checking out a roll-call of extras.

To his astonishment, he came across Mrs. Swerdlow.

“Mrs. Swerdlow, what are you doing here?”

“Der vas a roll call, so I came.”

“But Mrs. Swerdlow, you don’t understand. This is a roll-call for NUNS! ROMAN CATHOLIC NUNS!!!”

Without a moment of hesitation she blurted out:


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