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She chose to be a doctor. But why the most difficult specialty?

“What made you choose to specialize in Emergency medicine and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?”

“I come from Saudi Arabia. The Middle East is in a period of instability. I felt I could contribute something to my country by having these specialized services to offer at a time of need.

“How did you manage to take care of your children, leave your country and study these medical specialties?”

“I couldn’t have done it without my husband’s support.

The government awarded me a scholarship to study abroad.

“Normally a married woman with children is counseled to take dermatology or become a psychiatrist. But when i got the scholarship to study the specialties abroad, my husband supported me 100%. ‘You must go. This is an opportunity that you must not throw to the wind!’

“And he came with me and became a house father and took care of the children.”

“And now?”

“I will be returning to Saudi Arabia with my children now that I have completed my specialties.”

Everything is possible. Just find a way to make it happen!

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