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Dog walker and business man

10 years ago, while he was still a student at university, he started a dog-walking business.

Along with 2 other businesses he was running at the same time.

He enjoyed it so much that when he completed university, he devoted his full time just to the dog-walking .

Why dog-walking?

“Simple. I love the dogs. And I’m my own boss. I set my hours. I choose my customers. They each come for a consultation to see whether what they need and what I can give match.

And with two sets of “dog-walking hours” - 1 ½ hours each set – 5 days a week – I make a good living.”

I was curious. Are they always on a leash?

“Not at all. I take them to the park. And take them off their leashes. They run. They play. But only for about 10-15 minutes.

I understand the psychology of dogs. If you allow them to run wild for an unlimited time, they get out of control and can do harm to themselves and to others.”

Join Zach Llieff on his website:

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