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"Puncture that damn infection!" The magic that happens when two entire professional teams

Dr. Souzi Mhanna, former CEO, Elsa Mathos, COO Assistant Sunny, and Dr. Michael Silver,

“How can I thank all of you !”

Last year I was in panic mode

In such pain I haven’t been in since…….childbirth?! Drugged with painkiller drugs In such a fog sometimes I had trouble remembering my name. Ready to join the “druggies” in the old people’s homes.

And then former CEO Dr. Souzi, and "COO" Elsa went into action mode. With Assistant Sunny running the messages

Miracle workers! “Putting your thumb in” And “pulling out Dr. Michael Silver” I thought there was only one office like Dr. Souzi’s in this whole world I now know there are two! Right from the first call from Bibbi at the reception desk of Dr. Silver's office, to establish contact and the time of the appointment,

Same day. 5:15 pm! The price, everything up front.

Then two hours later, a call from the second assistant “We’re running late. Would you mind coming at 5:45 instead of 5:15?” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only in a Dr. Souzi’s office with "COO” Elsa directing traffic

would there have been a call saving me an extra wait time of one half hour!!!!!!!!!!

Claudine the dental assistant to Michael Silver welcomed me in the examination room with a

broad smile, A look straight into the eyes, A blond frizzy hair version of Elsa! Completely involved, completely owning her job. And then, in comes Dr. Michael Silver.


I swear, Michael Silver is a male replica of Dr. Souzi Mhanna!

Warm, delightful, eyes sparkling, Both of them dentists who are first and foremost caring human beings!

Examination. X-ray taken – more than one, difficult to get into my infection-tight mouth Decision taken

“Puncture that damn infection!” “Book her for the works in December “But put her on the list for earlier substitutions”

The miracle…… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BACK TO THE LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REMEMBER MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, everyone, Dr. Souzi Mhanna. COO Elsa, Sunny, Dr. Michael Silver, Bibbi, Claudine,

for giving me back my life………WITH LOVE AND CARING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, love and more love!

Claire Dr. Bernard Mayantz

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