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I opened the order that had just been delivered from my local fruit and vegetable store.

No eggs.

I called Julia, the owner’s wife.

“No eggs.”

She practically tore the receiver out of my hands with her explosion:

‘YOU LIAR. YOU NO ORDER EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was stunned. I hung up.

“I’m never going to that store again.”

I hadn’t counted on my inner voice.

Don’t be an asshole. The produce is great. The prices are great.

She’s Vietnamese.

She’s probably just translating an appropriate Vietnamese explosion into a Canadian one!” So I gave some thought on how I would handle this one.

The next day, I dropped into the store. (pre-covid-19 days!)

There was Julia behind the cash.

Before she had a chance to react,

I put a big smile on my face, stretched out my hand to shake hers, and said,

“Hi Julia, I’M MRS. LIAR!”

She was completely stunned.

No words came out of her mouth.

I went about the store doing my shopping.

The next time I came into the store, Julia beat me to it.

She had a big grin on her face, held out her hand and triumphantly said,


Immediately she apologized profusely for her un-Vietnamese boldness,

I broke out laughing,

She broke out laughing,

We shook hands.

We were friends!

End of story!

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