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The baby carriage....but not always for babies!

A proud grandmother and a twin carriage. But not identical twins!


If you guessed a baby is in this carriage, guess again!


Sextuplets, anyone?

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this “six-seater” carriage .

I looked at the woman pushing the wheels in shocked amazement. “Are you the mother of sextuplets?

The young woman grinned. “No, not the mother! I am hired by the day care.

All of a sudden, the moment she saw my camera she swung into action.

"Sorry, you can’t take pictures,” and she immediately swiveled around the roofs of the carriage,

Once the roofs of the carriage were in place, she relaxed. “But would you like to see the children?”

Delightful range of ages within this amazing carriage. Babies of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and children of 9 months, and 1-2-3- years of age!

“I am so passionate about looking after these children at the daycare. I don’t do it for the salary,

although I get paid a salary.

'I don’t do it because it’s something to fill a few hours a day, although the work takes that and more.

“I do it because I love these children,

“It’s not easy this work, because these children need so much reassurance all through the day.

But my passion spurs me to give them what they need.”

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