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Back to living life as a little kid - completely in the present and living the moment with such joy

The sheer joy on his face! I couldn't resist!


I knew what she was thinking. "Free as a last! last!!!"


The motorcycle caught my eye.

The intricate carving was a work of sculpture!

"My wife and I, we decided to buy it when the kids left.

'Now it's our time,' I said to her.

So we agreed to plunk down $40,000, and we never regretted a penny.

On the weekends we join a gang of friends and travel together on our motorcycles.

With the wind on our faces, we feel free as a bird!"


"I looked at her. She looked at me. She knew what I was thinking. And we didn't have to say a word.

We're 70 years old. What better time than now to buy what we always dreamed of owning.

A fabulous convertible!

When we're driving it, we feel like two teenagers!"


"I'm 47. and i was beginning to feel old....until I saw this....would you believe.. snazzy motorcycle!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without a tinge of hesitation, i plunked down my $23,000 , and never regretted it.

Now when I drive it, I feel like a hot shot driver in a Formula 1 race!"

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