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I was pissed off with the taxi driver. I tried humor. Both of us came out a winner!

The other day I got into a taxi. My everyday “friendly” self.

“How’re you doing?“ And gave the driver a big smile.

No answer. I was pissed off.

I told myself: “I’m not going to give him a tip”

But then it clicked….

We got to my destination. I had this whole thing planned out.

I gave him a tip and then I launched the attack!

I had had an inspiration.

He was a black man. And I was going to use an approach

I am sure he's never in his life heard before.

“Excuse me, but can I ask you a question?”

For the first time he was all ears.

“Why do you discriminate against white people?”

He was completely taken aback. And spluttered out.

“I was thinking about something that was driving me nuts”

I ignored his comment and continued.

“I was being friendly and I gave you a big smile, and you said absolutely nothing.

I thought maybe… maybe you didn’t like white people.”

For a moment he was stunned.

Then the ridiculousness of what I was saying hit him like a ton of bricks.

He roared with laughter,

opened my door with a sweep,

waved me out with a flourish,

and with a big grin, said,

“Next time, I promise you, I will turn around,

I will smile, and I'll say 'thank you!'

around, I will smile, and I will say thank you!!”

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