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My grandson and I enter into a deal

When Liam was 5 -years, we were playing at Beaver Lake.

Out of the blue, he looked at me and admonished me.

"Grandma Claire, if I say the words you say, I get punished." I offered a deal. "Okay, Liam. I'll make a deal with you. If you say, 'please' and 'thank-you' I won't say

Sh..t, and "F...Y..." We shook hands. He kept his part of the bargain And I kept my part.....until...... We were driving home, and suddenly a car cut me off. My primitive Montreal soul went into attack mode. I whipped out my finger, and yelled at the top of my voice, "F...OFF!!!!!!!!!" I caught a look at Liam's face in the mirror. He had a big grin on it!

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