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Status, Shmatus, What’s important is that you love what you’re doing!

“I had a flourishing business. i did everything. Design. Import. Retail.”“And then I got sick and gave it all up. The stress was a killer.”

“Tried a cooking business. Successful. But my back couldn’t take it.”

“Four years ago, I discovered what I loved to do….and could do…..DOG WALKER!” I also board dogs

I love it! I’m out. I meet people. Life is good.

“What did your friends think of this?”


“I come from a different breed. During World War 11, my parents were heroes. My mother at 19 worked for the British Intelligence. She started the Maquis, the French Resistance movement, together with my father, who was French Canadian.

Imagine. At 19 my mother parachuted into Nazi occupied France!

My father died two years ago. He was 90. I miss him.

“So sad that so many people want to wallow in misery.

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