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"If people could only do what they love to do"

I was sitting in the law library lounge, taking a break from studying for my 1st year law exams.

A heavenly place, surrounded on three sides by floor to ceiling windows looking out on the park.

It didn’t take long before another law student sat down. He was 18. I was 36.

Age difference can be a great facilitator of conversation and so, we began chatting.

He told me the story of his mother and his father.

His father was a super accountant. Loved his work.

And he was proud to be considered a meticulous accountant.

One day the mother asked the father to look after the family books and handed them to him.

One week went by... Two weeks went by... Nothing moved.

His mother was a wise woman. She knew why.

Back at home, in the sanctity of his personal life, he didn't want to be an accountant.

His heart was not in it.

And quietly, she took back the account books and resumed taking care of them herself

The son understood so well.

“If people only did what they loved to do, there would never be any failure in this world!"

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