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Remembrances of things past."Sister Rita, Do you wear a bra?"

In the initial years when I was a music student at Vincent d’Indy, I was taught by the nuns of Soeurs de Jesus-Marie.

The school was in the Mother House of the convent.

On the day the incident happened, I had lost my usual.

I found myself in the employee elevator of the Mother House.

There I was, squeezed in between two rather wide nuns, carrying corsets under their arms.

I froze.

Sisters wearing corsets?

A revelation. Is that what they wore under their flowing habits!

The elevator doors opened at my floor. I dashed to my coaching nun, Sister Rita.

Without even knocking I burst into her studio and I blurted out:

“Sister, do you wear a bra?

Sister Rita didn’t blink an eyelash. After 2 years, she had gotten used to my heathen manners!

“Of course I wear a bra.

How else could I run up and down the stairs!"

Sister Rita and I were now bosom friends.

It hadn’t always been thus.

She was driven by enthusiasm and so was I.

But there was room for only one enthusiasm... MINE!

Coming from McGill, I was used to changing in and out of courses at a click of the fingers.

So I went to see the Director of the School, Sister Stephane, and asked to change Sister Rita.

She quickly educated me to the way the school... This was not McGill.

“Ah my dear Claire, alas, I cannot accede to your request. But I will do one thing for you.

I will pray to the Virgin Mary for guidance to help you!”

I was bowed into submission.

I knew when I had met a power much greater than mine.

The Director had 'connections' with the Virgin Mary... I had none!

As my Auntie Becky would have said, "It's all for the best."

Like an old married couple, Sister Rita and I discovered each other, became good friends, and carried on our friendship even after my days at Vincent d'Indy were over

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