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Cheating Death....The Big Fall!

I'm hurtling down the twists of the path.

Wind whistling in my ear.



Things were going well

until ...

I went off trajectory for a second

Hit a tree with my left handlebar.

And was airborne instantly.

T i m e

s l o w e d

d o w n . . .

I g o t i n t o p o s i t i o n . . .

B r a c e d m y s e l f f o r t h e f a l l . . .

T u c k e d i n a n d. . .

hit the ground on my side bike still attached to my feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned around. Pushed the bike to the side. Tumbled a bit more and almost landed on my feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a bit shaken. But unhurt. My bike was in decent condition. ....

Except.................................. for the front wheel.................................................................bent out of shape. ....

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