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Is it possible for a marriage to be happy?

In one of my visits to my cousin Rosa, I made the comment that I didn't believe that marriage could ever be a happy relationship. The frame made that impossible. Two people can't live as one. Two people remain two people each within their own bubble. And the bubbles will always remain separate. And the buttons are always there to be pressed...and explode!

"Oh no, " she protested, "there are happy marriages!"

"Okay," I countered. "Name me one!"

Dead silence.

And then one day, I came across one. My accountant.

I loved my accountant. He was young, married, and no big, blustering airs . Sheer delight!

I had lunch with him on one of his last days working for a large accounting firm. He was being swept away by a startup to be

their CFO. An opportunity he couldn’t resist.

At lunch I asked him a question that had long been on my mind. “Alan, the way you’ve always talked about your marriage

It was obvious to me that you had a happy marriage. How did you work at it to make it that way?”

He laughed. “We never had to work at it. We just automatically did what we felt the other person needed. Without being asked.

“For instance, it was obvious to me that when i came home from work during the week, she was absolutely exhausted from a non-stop day managing the children and the house. She didn’t have to ask for my help. I immediately jumped in and took the children off her hands and played with them. That gave her the chance to unwind.

“On the other hand, she knew that Saturday morning i needed a break from a hectic week at work. That’s when i went off with the boys to play golf. Now I know from my friends that their wives always make a big fuss and complain bitterly. But my wife? Kissed me and hugged me goodbye!

Twenty years later, as a street photographer, I came across "three happy marriages!" (Slide show -Click picture twice)

Would you believe? Still in love!!!!!

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