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Your Roving Reporter: "Carole, what would you do if you had only one more year to live?"

Carole manages an audio aid center.

I have never seen her without a smile on her face.

One day, out of the blue, I asked her,

“Carole, have you ever been depressed?”

She looked at me with a blank stare.

6 months later I asked her my 'question of the week' ... before she became the manager.

“Carole, what would you do if you had one more year to live?”

She didn’t hesitate for a moment.

“I would quit my job.

I wouldn’t travel.

I would stay home and hang around with my sister.

I love my sister!

I would also do some 'bénévole' - some charity work."

"But, Carole," I countered, "what would you do if, out of the clear blue,

your life was extended by one year and you had to continue working?"

Carole's response was immediate!

"Then I would be depressed!!!"


Now that she's manager, I doubt whether Carole's response today would be the same!

You can tell by her radiant smile she's having too much fun running the 'joint!'

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