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A “Passionate” Jewel Since 1899

The Mission of the Westmount Public Library

“to enrich the community by providing a welcoming environment in which to read, learn and discover.”


You experience the Mission of the Library from the moment you step into the wide space of the entrance hall. It starts with the “welcoming environment.”

As you enter, there’s an alcove to the left with a large dramatic plant in a massive brass pot. A favorite place for kids to grab a bite, or work on their laptop. A favorite place for mothers to take a brief breather, rocking their babies as they chat.

Down the hall you’ll see members reading or talking on the benches.

And just as you turn to enter the library, chances are you won’t be able to resist sitting down at the little table to add a few pieces to the communal jigsaw puzzle! There is nothing to indicate, from this nonchalant casualness, that you are about to enter into a century-old library. A library where a passion for service to the community is its vibrant life force... flowing through the veins of everyone connected to the library - from the head librarian to the part-time student serving at the reception desk

Julie-Anne Cardella, the Director, has created a workplace that encourages 'out of the box' thinking. Everyone is encouraged to bring their ideas to the table and grow the creativity of the library. The feeling of pride and passion throughout the library is palpable. Can you imagine their feeling about themselves and their place in the library when their idea is adopted and turned into a reality?

In the main library, the first person at the reception desk is the legendary Colette Connors.

“I love people!”

Having worked here for the past 20 years, Colette greets every member with a warm smile, her eyes transmitting the warmth of an old friend. Always ready to spend time interchanging a few moments in time – a special treat for elderly members!

Information Services Librarian Benoit Morin has a passion.

"I’m driven to catalogue every piece of information which fits into the jig saw puzzle of the complete history of the Westmount Community. I want to be able to answer any research question l’m faced with without having to refer the member to a source outside of the library!

Information Services Librarian Mai Jay has her own passion for perfection.

“I oversee and actively participate in the purchase of new books. To make sure I fulfill this duty at the highest level, I read reviews in at least 3 different book review journals.”

Children's Library: from toddlers to teens

As toddlers approach the stairs in the hall leading down to the library, their bodies tremble with excitement in anticipation of the fun that is waiting for them in the children’s section at the bottom of the stairs!

Wendy Wayling, the children’s librarian, doesn’t walk. She "flies through the air,” her whole being filled with the joy of running a library with adventure and discovery! An environment the envy of teachers in the public schools whose hands are tied by rigid rules

"When children come to the library,” comments Wendy, “Some of them seek out our people at the desk for guidance. Others wander around the shelves and pick out a book that catches their attention. They know they are free to "get lost" in a chair for the next two hours hypnotized by the book".

A library that children want to be in does not happen by accident. Wendy screens all desk applicants very carefully.

"Do you like children? Do you like dressing up and acting silly? Do you like children’s literature?”

Molly Bower answered yes to all. She recently completed her Masters in Film Preservation. Before she knew it, Molly was hosting a stop-motion animation workshop.

The idea of all the hires participating excites Wendy.

“We encourage everyone who works in the Children’s Department to actively participate in our events. New and creative ideas are always welcome!”

But it was not always so...


Reaching the Westmount Public Library!

For staying up to date with their event visit their Website or Facebook page.

And to see more pictures, you can visit their Instagram or Flickr accounts!

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