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What did the lawyer and the undertaker have in common?

At 36, I became aware that my hearing was not as sharp as it used to be.

Odd, because "hard of hearing" was not the experience of anyone in my immediate family.

Not even in my extended family.

It must have been all the piano practising I had done over the years that 'did me in'

So i went to the audiologist at the hospital for a hearing test.

She took one look at the results and shook her head.

"Sure, there is some hearing loss, but not enough to warrant getting a hearing aid."

I looked at her helplessly.

"you don't understand.

I'm a lawyer. and when I'm battling a case in court

I can't hear the witness I'm interrogating.

I'm standing sideways to her but I can't see her lips.

That's because she's looking straight ahead at the judge."

The audiologist had a big grin on her face.

"I've had a similar situation with an undertaker.

When I read his hearing tests and told him

'you have some hearing loss but not enough to warrant a hearing aid,'

he countered,

'You don't understand. I'm an undertaker.

and in my business, everybody 'whispers!'"

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