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A star is McDonald's!

I knew her 'when!

10 years ago she worked at the Mcdonald's store on Queen Mary. Always pleasant. Always with a smile. But young.

Just getting the hang of things.

Today? At McDonald's on Sherbrooke. Prime location.

No longer a neophyte.

Much more.

Always smiling. Always making eye contact with the customer.

But now, she's a somebody.

She works as if she's the owner.

Always on the alert

One moment she's whipped over to the windows straightening out the tools

Back to serving a customer

The next moment she's whipped over to check out the coffee.

Back to serving a customer.

The next moment she's whipped over to pick up an order that has slid down the pipe

and call out the number of the customer waiting.

All this while the other employees stay stationary at their jobs, take the orders ...stationary like robots,

She has a job which gives her great pleasure...and fulfillment.

Moral of the story?

It's not the job that's the problem. It's you.

If you can't find a way to get fulfillment out of your job,

leave it and find a job where you can.

The kiss of death? Working like a robot.

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