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He lived life as an adventure till the day he died.

When Richard Feynman, famous Nobel prize-winning physicist, was 70, diagnosed with cancer, he died,

Still playing bongo drums with his truck driver friend.

One day three years before his death, while playing drums with his friend,

he suddenly stopped playing, turned to his friend and said.

"Let's create an adventure.

"Let's put a map of the world on the wall

and play Blind Man's Buff, just like we did when we were kids.

With my eyes covered, I'll stick a pin into the map.

And wherever the pin lands, that's where we will travel."

The next day, the adventure began

Richard Feynman had stuck the pin into a most remote spot in Russia.

Even the Russian government was unaware of this remote spot.

So Feynman and his friend spent the next three years

discovering how to get to this remote spot.

They succeeded!

There was a village in this spot.

And people living in this village.

So Feynman and his friend invited the heads of the village to come visit them in America.

Now the Russian government got into the act

and arrangements were made.

The villagers came to visit Feynman and his friend in America!

Now it was the turn of Feynman and his friend to visit their new friends in their village in Russia.

But just before they were to leave

Feynman died.

His bongo playing friend cancelled the return trip to Russia

Feynman's friend was asked.

"Why didn't you go by yourself?"

The friend replied.

"It was not the trip that was the end goal

It was trying to making it happen together with Feynman that was the adventure

When he died, the adventure ended."

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