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Born with a great unshakeable sense of self. He will sail through life!

He stood out from all the other kids on the soccer park.

His mother tells this story about him.

At age 4 we were walking past the park where all the kids were playing soccer.

I asked him. “Would you like to play soccer?”

“No, I want to play the piano.”

At age 5 we were walking past the park where all the kids were playing soccer.

“Would you like to play soccer?”

“No, I like playing the piano.”

At age 6 we were walking past the park where all the kids were playing soccer.

“Would you like to play soccer?”


He still plays the piano.

And he still has long hair. “You look like a girl,” jeered one of the boys.

He calmly turned his back and walked away.

End of jeers.

What is his future?

Leader of an expeditionary force on Mars?

Climbing Mount Everest? Concert pianist?

We don’t even know what’s around the corner 15 years from now.

What we do know now is that he is “bien dans son peau.”….

he’s comfortable in his own skin……and a truly nice person.

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