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"Don't tell me about it!"

I was at the supermarket. I needed to buy Kosher salt.

Out of the blue a question popped into my mind.

Why does it have to be Kosher salt.

Why don't I buy just ordinary salt?

I needed an answer....on the spot.

At that moment I saw a Jewish woman pushing her cart.

Without any hesitation, i rushed over to her and asked her the question:

"Do you use Kosher salt?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Why do you use Kosher salt?"

"Because the recipe tells me to use Kosher salt!"

I still needed an answer.

Now I was driven.

I rushed over to a woman just about to pull a product off the shelf.

I recognized her.

She worked with the older people in the duplex at the end of my street.

Of all people, she would know.

She didn't.

But she gave me an idea whom to ask.

"Gerry, he runs the Kosher department. He should know."

I ran to get Gerry.

He knew exactly where to find the Kosher salt.

I followed Gerry as he waddled his way to the Kosher Salt section.

I picked up the Kosher salt from the shelf and turned around ready to leave.

I had given up asking the question.

But now Gerry threw the question back at me

"So tell me, for what do you need the Kosher salt? Are you going to kosher a chicken?"

"No Gerry, I don't kosher my chickens."

He threw his arms up in the air and bemoaned his lot to God.

"Oi, don't tell me about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mission accomplished.

I had an answer to my question

Now I know why you need kosher salt!

Because the recipe tells you to use it.

And because you need it if you kosher your chickens!

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