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Tears of gratitude

I was part of the crowd mulling around at a cocktail party for the Junior Symphony Orchestra in Ottawa.

Trying to do the right thing, I turned to the man beside me,

who looked most distinguished with white hair and a well maintained white beard.

I asked him a simple made-to-order cocktail party conversation opener.

"So what do you do?"

I wasn't prepared for his response.

Tears welled in his eyes.

He took a moment to contain himself.

And then told me his story.

"I ran a business.

A very successful business.

And i hated every moment of it.

What I really wanted to do was to chuck it

and work as an administrator in admissions in a college.

But for years I couldn't bring myself to tell my wife

What I really wanted to do to be happy.

It would mean asking her to accept reducing our style of living by 50%.

One day, I couldn't take being miserable anymore.

I dared to step over the line.

And i opened up to her what I had suppressed for years.

My tears that you saw well up in my eyes

were the tears of gratitude I feel so deeply to my wife.

And will feel forever.

Without a moment's hesitation, she responded.

'Go and do what will make you happy.

We will have no trouble managing with less.'

For the first time in years,

I was a free the true sense of the word!"

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