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She popped up out of nowhere. "Can I help?"

I was standing helplessly, looking in disbelief at the machine in the metro refusing to pass my Opus card.

"Not fair. I paid for the month. The card is valid."

Out of nowhere a leprechaun popped out of nowhere and landed at my side at the machine.

Actually not a real leprechaun - in actual fact there never really was a real leprechaun - only in children's

fairy tales.

But if there would have been a real leprechaun, she was it!

A woman in a bright orange sweater and wired for action.

"What's the problem?"

I pointed at the card on top of the machine.

"Doesn't work!:"

She sprung to action

And leaped to the wicket for help.

No person. No help.

Her eyes darted like a buzzing bee hopping from flower to flower

Suddenly they fixed on a telephone on the far wall.

Three leaps - leprechaun leaps! - and she was phoning for the wicket man.

The wicket man appeared.

Three leaps back in place at the wicket.

Card made to work.

My leprechaun disappeared.

I looked to where she had been standing and went to ask her a question.

"What you did what out of the ordinary. What did you do before you retired."

"I was a journalist!|

We journalists. We are a possessed breed. The moment we smell out a story

We don't think.

We leap right into the heart of it!"

Journalist alias leprechaun!

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