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There was a lull in the conversation!

I had fallen into a deep sleep in my garden.

Suddenly I was jolted awake.

I heard voices.

"Claire, Claire, where are you?"

The voices were coming from the next door garden.

I looked up.

Over the 6 foot fence I saw the two young policemen who were calling my name.

It was surreal.

They explained.

My daughter had called them. She had been talking to me over the telephone.

Suddenly my voice disappeared. Dead silence.

She became frantic. And called the police.

"When there was no answer when we rang your front door bell,

We thought we might have to break your front door down.

And then we decided to try the gate to the garden.

The gate was shut.

So we tried the last resort:

the next door neighbour's property.

And here we are!

And here you are!"

My mind raced over what might have happened.

And then it hit me.

I had been talking with my daughter over the phone.

We hit a lull in the conversation.

My mind began to wander and then............

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