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"You should be paying me!" The client takes the spotlight.

He was a brilliant young lawyer with a brilliant future ahead of him.

It was his first case. A fight over $25.The hearing was going to be heard in Small Claims Court. The court on the lowest rung of the ladder. He had spent nights pouring over the law books. You would think he was preparing for pleading before the Supreme Court of Canada.

On the day of the hearing, he was ready. His client beside him, he staggered into the courtroom weighted down by big thick law books. Seated down, he waited patiently until his case was called.

He pleaded brilliantly….and looooooong. Finally, to the relief of the judge, he ended.

Decision rendered on the spot. HE WON!

His client beside him, the young lawyer walked out triumphantly, 10 feet tall! He turned to his client, and, as agreed, asked for payment. With a wave of his hand, the client arrogantly dismissed his demand. “Avrum, you’re the one who should be paying ME for giving you the opportunity to plead a winning case!”

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