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Part 2 The School of Life: Reflecting on Nick Morantz' success

What capabilities avalanche bombers like Nicholas Morantz have in spades that many people with a secondary degree don’t have?

  • A drive to excel.

  • The fearlessness to attack straight on any challenge.

  • And mentoring from the best in every field.

All attributes infrequently found in a ‘traditional’ academic path.

A secondary degree as an absolute requirement for a job in today's world makes absolutely no good sense.

Bill Gates founder of Microsoft, was way ahead of his time.

At 17 he dropped out of Harvard to start his own computer company.

And now companies like Google are abandoning rigid academic credentials in their own hiring practices.

It is the growing recognition today that academia is not automatically the place where promising young talent is developed.

We've seen what people with great creative talent and driven by passion can create, even without “degrees”...

For one, Steve Jobs, who has inspired thousands of start-ups!

Just think how much richer society would be if the inner passion of everyone could be unleashed and allowed to develop in paths dictated by their passion, not by outdated academic requirements.

There would be at least one fallout we can predict...

No one would be planning for retirement!

(at least not 5 years into the job!)


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