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Great idea? But don't know where to start?


Now, I’m not a religious person, although I was brought up in a religious Jewish family.

In fact, I challenged the Jewish God when, at the age of 6, I sat at the counter at Woolworth’s and


The Jewish God punished me. I had a terrible time cutting away all the fat!

But when it comes to “Seek and Ye Shall Find,” I am a 100% believer!

My parents called me “Vildeh Hyeh" – Wild Animal. On the other hand it also meant Life!

The name molded me for life. It proved to be an imprint of a certain fearlessness.

Once I got an idea I was consumed. Driven. A madwoman. I had to make the idea happen.

Luckily enough, “Seek and ye shall find” gave me the perfect sidekick to “Fearlessness.”

It’s twin: “Shamelessness”

I have no shame to ask for help when I needed it!

Believe me. If you’re trying to make an idea happen and you’ve never done it before, you need all the help you can get.

The twins worked for me in all kinds of “life-threatening” situations.

The Brief to the Minister of Finance was one of them.

My client, Phil Issenman, CEO of ID Foods Corporation, came to me with this problem:

“I have a product. It's a non-alcoholic substitute for beer.

But it's being taxed like a beer.

Write the government a letter!”

All of a sudden, the voice in my head turned to thunder. “Ma, it Ain’t Fair!!!!!!!”

I didn’t hesitate for a moment.

I was now driven! Fairness demanded more than a letter.

It demanded a change in the law.

One problem:

“How do you change a law?!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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Part 2

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