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A moment in time: Bus drivers are human. Even extraordinarily human.

I didn't believe i saw what was happening.

As we were approaching a major intersection, I noticed a man hovering close to the driver.

He seemed disoriented.

Not connected.


Even Lost.

The bus driver looked concerned.

She spoke to him.

"Where do you have to get off."

"At Decarie."

"Then where do you have to go?|

He looked down at a piece of paper he held in his hand.


She didn't think twice.

Time table be damned.

She put the breaks down.

Opened the bus door.

Grabbed the hand of the man.

Went down the platform into the street.

Crossed over the street.

Waited for him for the Decarie bus.

And when the driver opened the doors.

She motioned the man up the stairs.

and gave instructions to the driver.

"Take him to Sherbrooke St.

But in the meantime, call for help to meet him when you get there."

She rushed back to her bus.

Got on

And drove away

As if nothing extraordinary had happened.

But everybody in the bus knew

that something extraordinary had happened.

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