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1 My bus driver friends!

I ride the buses.

A lot.

And I always look straight into the eyes of the bus driver.

I always give them a smile.

And ask them how they are.

And most of them respond in kind.

Some are grouchy, and mutter something under their breath,

I get the message.

"I'm not paid to enter into conversations."

But the grouchy bus driver is an exception.

Most bus drivers enjoy the interaction.

And some express their appreciation in action.

Now, anybody who takes buses can identify immediately

The elation you experience when you see your bus coming....

...without waiting!

That's a moment when you've hit the jackpot.

Wowsers! No 30 minute wait!

So you can imagine how I went wild when i saw my 63 waiting for the red light

I ran.

I yelled.

i waved my hands wildly.

And to my astonishment, the bus driver still remained stopped when the light turned green.

The god of buses was looking out for me.

And there he was sitting in the bus, waiting!

"Thanks so much, but why did you wait?"

He responded.

"I was waiting for my friend!


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