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Living a life filled with joy is not an accident. It is a choice.

Two sisters. Two lives. Built on choice. Built on joy!

Until recently, choice in the workplace was confined to what was socially permitted:

Choice to become a "Doctor," a "Lawyer", a "CEO."

The most prominent 4-letter word in the vocabulary was "Duty."

The most frowned upon 4-letter word was "Play."

But Pandora's box is now being opened.

And the three letter words are beginning to take prominence.

"Fun" ......and "Joy"

And now "Passion" has risen to the surface.

It is no longer the sole partner of "Sex"

My or My. What is the world coming to.....when our young - and not so young - are looking for a life

full of Passion....and Fun!....and JOY!

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