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How to give up coffee!

With great difficulty!

Way back fact many years "way back when" -

I read a story which stayed with me for "many years"

When TV first came on the scene, the parents' reactions were exactly the same as

when internet crept into their children's lives.

"How do you control TV watching before it wrecks our kids for life!"

One set of parents hit upon what they thought was the perfect answer.

(of course the kids landed up outsmarting their parents! But more about that later)

The parents bought two stationery bikes. And put the TV in front of them.

Then they laid out the TV WATCHING RULES to their kids:

"Watch as long as you long as you sit on these bikes and pedal without stopping."

At first the parents watched with a smug grin on their faces.

Their kids were not in the greatest of condition. They had to stop after 5 minutes.

Their parents congratulated themselves on their brilliance...but not for long.

The kids were determined to outsmart their parents .

Within a couple of weeks they had succeeded in pedaling like crazy for over two hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These children were now the first of their kind: TV addicts who were in top physical condition!

This is a story that has stayed dormant in my head until just recently when it was triggered by my

determination to give up coffee.

I became two people in one:

The "mother" setting the rules of the game.

The "obedient" child who followed them.

The moment I put the cup filled with coffee in the microwave to heat up.

my inside voice gave orders: "IMMEDIATELY. DO A SET OF EXERCISES!"

IMMEDIATELY I went into action:

Holding on to the stove handle, I started out with 1 minute doing the tread mill.

Next cut of coffee 1 minute doing lunges.

Lastly, I reached out to my 5 lb. weights next to the spices - to the left of the stove -

and did 1 minute exercising with arm weights.

So big fat deal. So i did exercises. Big shot!

So how does that connect with breaking my coffee addiction?


when you heat up 20 cups a day,

and have to do 1 minute of treadmill, lunges or weights -

for each cup........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's amazing how soon it takes before you postpone heating that cup of coffee!

With great difficulty!

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