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Who says great dressing is only on the runways in Paris and New York!

Green is the color of the mast head of Metro, the paper she's flogging!

And that's her takeoff point....the mast head and her apron!

And that's where her sense of fun kicks in:

The rims of her sunglasses!

And, would you believe....

Her socks!

When you have a sense of fun, life becomes a bowl of cherries!


What would the world be like if all the men would dress with a sense of fun!

If Harvey Weinstein would have dressed like that,

would Harvey Weinstein have been Harvey Weinstein!


The one thought that came into my mind.......

What are their parents wearing at the wedding?

And the guests?

And the waiters?

Does it all add up to.....the more fun the wedding, the less it costs!!!!!!!!!!


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