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I wanted to be a veterinarian. My father objected. I became a teacher. When my dog became a therapy

“My dog is a rescue dog.

I got her from a shelter up north.

She had been returned by an owner.

An abused dog.

So sad.

But our eyes met.

And we connected.

With love and care, she reverted to her true nature.

A gentle loving dog.

“But it was quite by accident that i discovered what an effect she had on people

who no longer could carry on a normal life.

A friend of mine, a fellow teacher - we both had retired at the

same time - was hit by a stroke.

“My dog and I went to visit her in the rehabilitation center.

There were people there much worse off than my friend.

My dog was just amazing.

She would go up to someone and then just stay there exuding a closeness and caring.

“She was a natural therapy dog.

I took her for training.

And now she and I go visit people like my friend who are in rehab

and who are so deprived of human contact and caring.

Amazingly my dog as a therapy dog can fill that need.

“When i was young i wanted so much to become a veterinarian .

My father objected.

I became a teacher instead.

I never regretted it.

But now that I am retired, i can fulfill both my love of animals

and at the same time my caring for people.”

“She was a natural therapy dog. I took her for training. And now she and I go visit people like my friend who are in rehab and who are so deprived of human contact and caring. Amazingly my dog as a therapy dog can fill that need.

“When i was young i wanted so much to become a veterinarian . My father objected. I became a teacher instead. I never regretted it. But now that I am retired, i can fulfill both my love of animals and at the same time my caring for people.”

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