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Sartorial splendor is open to every man………….who wants to look SMASHING!


This was the first picture I took as a blogger.

One thing was very different about it from any of the other pictures I took after it as a blogger.

On elegant Sherbrooke St. magnificent tailoring, impeccable grooming……and amazing shoes!

The shoes caught my attention. They were a work of art.

Later in the day when I was back in my office I asked my assistant,

“How much do you think the shoes cost?”

“Oh, at least $300!"

"Are you kidding. I'll bet you. At least $1000.”

I was determined to find out how much the shoes cost.

I didn’t have long to wait.

The next day, displayed in a men’s shop on Sherbrooke St.,

There they were….THE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dashed inside, grabbed the sales man, dragged him outside, pointed to the shoes, and asked,

“How much are the ‘doggies’ in the window?”

I guessed right….$1000 and change!


i took the photo from a distance. This was the first photo I took as a "street photographer" I was much too uncomfortable to walk over to the

man, introduce myself, tell him how super he looked, and ask his permission to take his photo.

.I can't remember how long after this incident had taken place, but one day I was walking on Sherbrooke St.

and there in front of me was the same man, same magnificent tailoring, same impeccable grooming……

and same amazing shoes!

One difference.

This time round I had grown into the part of blogger.

I approached the man, introduced myself, and told him how great he looked!

He smiled at me....shyly....and thanked me!

What a revelation! The contrast between the man's great elegance and his very essence.....his shyness!

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