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Entertainment! "Famous" last words: I wrote a musical! Actually, I could only think of th

Everybody said I should write a musical.

Try as I could, I couldn't get a handle on it.....except....

The ending.

So I took a shot at it.

There I was on my death bed.

Surrounded by my loving family.

Everyone shedding appropriate tears.

Then slowly, slowly, my body begins to float upwards (thin invisible wires doing the job!)

The stage goes black.

Then all of a sudden, from on a high, a voice booms out...

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S GOING TO WRECK THE JOINT!!!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, the lights go on.

And out of the 30's movies, there's a grand circular staircase,

And there I am, 60 years earlier, dressed in a tight fitting sequined gown, slinking down the staircase,

while behind me gorgeous young men dressed in top hat and tails weaving back and forth!

Finally the last scene.

Once again, I'm stretched out on the bed.

Surrounded by a weeping family.

And as the wires slowly lift my feeble body,

I utter my halting last words.....

Suddenly my weeping family immediately come to their senses,

stop shedding tears and cry out in one voice:

"Please, O Lord, Enough is enough. This is the second time round.

Don't listen to her!"

"Gey Gezunterheyt. ...Let her go in peace!"

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