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Roses are not always an expression of love!

Many years ago, Alain Delon , famous French actor, was madly in love with film star, Romy Schneider ....until.......

One day, Romy Schneider came back from a tour, opened the door to the Paris apartment they shared,

and was blinded by an apartment filled in every room with ...


Tears of joy overwhelmed her...

And then she found it....

A card........and on it was written.....

JE REGRETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The apartment was filled with roses.

It was no longer filled with Alain.

Years later, I remembered the story when I was interviewing a Canadian tycoon,

a very shy, retiring short man, who found expressing himself very difficult.

I landed up interviewing him a week before he was to marry for the second time.

The day after the wedding he would be leaving with his new bride on a luxurious trip around the world

in the most expensive suite of cabins on the ocean liner.

Suddenly, remembering Alain Delon and the roses, I blurted out,

“Oh how wonderful. I bet you are going to have the cabins strewn with roses!”

His face darkened. A flash of anger spread on his face. Almost inaudible, he mumbled,

“Considering the price I’m paying for the cabins, it’s the captain that should be taking care of the roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I landed up interviewing him a week before he was to marry for the second time.

The day after the wedding he would be leaving with his new bride on a luxurious trip around the world

in the most expensive suite of cabins on the ocean liner.

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