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"I promise I will include you in my will .... on one condition!"

On Mar 30, 2019, at 10:17 PM, Claire Bernstein wrote her Real Estate agent, Donna Mackarous:

Hi Donna,

I was about to sign my last Will and Testament - in which i stated that when I pop off, I appoint you the agent to sell my house -

when all of a sudden i realized i was missing a piece of information:

the information of the amount you received in the sale of that magnificent duplex turned semi-detached cottage

and whether there was a bidding war.

As soon as i receive this info

i will sign my will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lots of love



Hi Claire,

That is the best opening line I EVER heard!!

I don’t know why, but I never saw this email until now , when I was looking for something else .

Sooooo, I hope you’re still alive, and I’m not too late LOL 😂

Here's the info you requested:

We asked $988,000, and with the amazing Real Estate team they hired - me and son Ellis -

We had 4 offers and the owner sold over the asking price at $1,050,000!!!!!!!!!

How crazy is that ???

Ok so am I in The Will now ????!

Put me and Ellis please, as we are a dynamic duo.

Miss ya ! 🥰


cc Ellis Catellier

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