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"Dare to cross the line!" With every sultry look peering hypnotically into my client&#39

When i was practicing law as a sole practitioner back in the early 80s,

I was representing the head of a successful architectural firm.

A beautiful man, tall, gorgeous. and elegant in only the way the French have of being elegant.

We were in a meeting together with this seductive woman who had been sent from France

to negotiate down my client from the hefty bill her husband owed the firm.

I was still in the 80's mode of the subservient woman who must not dominate the man.

Here I was watching ...silently...and the more i watched the more I was growing more horrified by the minute.

With every sultry look peering hypnotically into my clients eyes, my client lowered her husband's bill by another few thousand!

All of a sudden a voice pounded in my head.

“Act like a lawyer. Your client has hired a lawyer, not a weak, cringing female!!!!!!!!”

i stood up, demanded that my client and I meet privately,

And there in his private office I read him the riot act:

"One more time sharply reducing the monies owing you, and I stop representing you!"

We marched back to the seductress.

He stopped reacting to her piercing looks.

I saved my client from himself!

And i saved myself from myself!

From that day forward, I never looked back!

That day, I became a lawyer!

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