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Welcome to Montreal's Blvd St. Laurent. Shades of yesteryear. Messy, dynamic street art, ...burs


Can you imagine, Schwartz's has celebrated it's 90th anniversary. It was a landmark as far back as I was a child!



There is no where else in Montreal where street art turns the street into an outdoor museum! Absolutely breathtaking!





This park has been there "forever!" It puts to shame streets like Rene Leveque where there are no parks, no greenery, no benches.....only towering buildings which dwarf the odd human being in the street.


We lived "around the corner" from St. Laurent. On St. Dominique St. Now very much part of the chic Plateau district. But way back when part of the East End where the struggling Jewish immigrants lived. Shopping on St. Laurent was very much part of our lives. Friends still remember reaching into the barrels where the dill pickles were swimming around, grabbing one and crunching on it hungrily, with the pickle water dripping down their faces!

Auntie Becky below never married. So she was part of my existence right from birth. "It's all for the best" was her mantra which became my mantra and remained with me all my life as a guide to how to live it.


This used to be a messy construction site loaded with building materials. Today very slick and modernized depot for Rona Hardware. GAHZUS!


Street Art is constantly evolving in style. Nothing static about it. Below is my favorite. It captures me every time I see it as if for the first time.



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