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Stillness: A moment in time....which belongs to you....and only you! A moment in time which lasts.

It was in the bus.

She was a stranger. And she remained a stranger.

This was one of the first pictures I took.

I didn't yet have the courage to approach strangers and start a conversation.

Maybe if I would have had the courage, I would never have captured this wonderful moment frozen in time.


He was beautiful.

And his inner stillness was palpable.

Far removed from the anonymity around him.

Was he an artist? A dancer? A film maker?

I will never know....

does it matter?


Sitting in the bus, my eyes were drawn to this child.

He was there....

and yet he was far far away.

I noticed his mother sitting across the isle, looking lovingly at him.

"Who is he at this moment?"

She responded with a smile.



She is alone.

And she is completely engrossed.

Completely connected.

A quality of being which will be with her for a lifetime.....

if only it isn't covered by layers and layers of "you should"...

,,, day.....

She was 105 years old. With terminal cancer.

One day, a dancer came to her weekly group and introduced them to a simple dance.

This woman had never danced in her life.

Her religion forbade dancing.

Something happened.

For the first time, the very first time in her life,

she allowed herself to listen to the voice in her head.

"Now you can dance."


The couple was expensively dressed

with exquisite taste.

Yet they were sleeping.

Was there nothing that held their interest?


A moment that is complete in time.

She is alone....but not alone.

She belongs to a vast expanse of space to which there is no limit.


What is it about water that carries us with it...uninterruptedly....for a moment in time.

That moment in time lasts forever.


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