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""People who need people....are the luckiest people in the world!"

A sunny afternoon on glamorous Sherbrooke W. Everyone enjoying being together!

So why is one person hiding his face from the camera? Something to hide?


What fun! Only one question comes to mind:

What are the parents of the bride and groom wearing to walk down the aisle?


Parents of this bride and groom had no trouble deciding what to wear!

Neither did the family!

But the prize for the best-dressed has to go to the grandmother - second from left!


Groups are as natural as "breathing in....and breathing out!

Here today! Gone in 3 minutes! But in those 3 minutes, BFF!


"No more pencils. No more books. No more teacher's dirty looks"


Hard to believe!

There are places inside the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

where kids don't have to be on their best behavior!"


For kids who are forced to practice their instruments,

it's hard to imagine that music making can be so much fun!


They were laughing and talking and just having a smashing good time.

As the saying goes,

"Getting there is half the fun!"


I couldn't believe my eyes.

There, in the supermarket, four guys acting like a bunch of unrestrained kids having the time of their lives.

Laughing and throwing packaged food into their wagons.

For sure they weren't from Montreal. I couldn't contain myself.

I rushed to this group, introduced myself, and asked where they came from.

"Los Angeles"

It figured!

BTW Guess who was the stand-up comic!


"People who need people....are the luckiest people in the world!"

It's easier to fill that need when the entrance to your home opens to the street.

People in apartments - or condos - don't have it that easy....

if at all.


Go know.

Why would two people wait 1 hour...outside - maybe even 2 -

to sit at a table and eat a smoke meat sandwich with all the trimmings....

when they don't even know the other 4 people at the same table!

Because it's fun?

Or because of 90 years of great marketing?

Congratulations, Schwartz's - on both counts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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