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Dofasco. A remarkable human company. Fond recollections by Timothy Pritchard, former Editor-in-Chief

"There are two things I remember about Dofasco:

The first is its employee friendly vibe, which had a lot to do with it being a non-union shop and an image

cultivated by the Sherman family.

Dofasco didn't need a union. Whatever the Steelworkers Union negotiated with Stelco - the other Canadian steel company - was immediately given to Dofasco workers.

The second is that Dofasco always had a swell Xmas party for all its workers and their families.

This provided a good front-of-ROB picture at the very least!

Sadly, both Dofasco and Stelco are history, as are the tens of thousands of jobs they provided."

Sadly, both Dofasco and Stelco are history, as are the tens of thousands of jobs they provided.

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