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Would you believe it, but the You! be the Judge column was born because I was a "whiz" at


I was sitting in the court yard of Youville Stables, where I had my law office.

There sitting next to me was George Morris, the "VOICE" of Montreal –

whose Radio Production studio, Listen Audio, was also at Youville Stables.

He couldn't contain himself.

He started raving about his successful new syndicated radio show.

I didn't waste time getting to the basics.

"How much?!

He was a touch thrown. He wasn’t used to direct questions...about money!

But he couldn't resist. He had to tell.

"$600,000 ($1.5 million! today)"

I persisted.

"How much did it cost to produce?!"

Now he was on a roll. No hesitation.


My ears popped.

I'm a whiz at subtraction!

The profit! OMG the profit!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Wait here!"

I rushed upstairs, and brought down my original version of You! be the Judge, a one-minute audio show, complete with announcer, sound effects and music.

(I had been trying to peddle this audio version of You! be the Judge for a couple of years without success!)

With great gentilesse, I practically shoved it in George's face.

"Let's produce it!"

George Morris looked at me with disgust!

"You know how long it took for me to sell the idea of sponsorship to the Royal Bank?

1 year!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I turned the You! be the Judge audio into the You! be the Judge column and the rest is............!

"Thank you, George Morris, for turning me down!"


There had never been anything like You! be the Judge before.

A mass market syndicated column on law that was........FUN!!!!!!!!!!

The sitcom, the courtroom battle, the who-dun-it,

“Who did what to whom? You! Be the Judge,

In a moment, the decision"...

"I laugh and I learn!"

Everybody could now read a column on law and feel smart.

"Look Ma, It's Herbert, your son. You won't believe it! I can understand law!"

No one ever again would have to feel stupid when it came to law.


Three years into You! be the Judge, now syndicated across Canada,

daughter Elissa, always a writer, always the funniest person i know, also a lawyer,

took over the meticulous researching and hilarious writing of the column!

Let me tell you why a column on law,

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