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"Dare to cross the line!" "Yesteryear" I was a "peddler," pitching to

I was in the elevator of the ABC insurance building, going up to the 18th floor and carrying my 30-inch long 'boombox'. I had an appointment with the president of the company to pitch my You! Be the Judge Radio Show.

I still remember the amused pin-striped man next to me on the way up.

He looked down at my boombox and commented "You DO like your music loud!"

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I was ushered into a room.

I didn’t have long to wait - presidents of big companies are always on time.

9am sharp. The door opened.

And in strode the stoned-faced 5'2" president and his 6' tall lumbering V.P.

I took one look at him and I knew I didn't have one minute to waste.

I stuck the disc into the blaster and pushed the button.


The guys at the production house had forgotten to wind back the tape! Yuck!

I pushed the rewind button. But I knew I was hanging in there by the skin of my teeth.

The president began drumming his fingers on the table.

Mumbling under his breath: "What the hell are we here for anyway?"

Without thinking twice, I looked him straight into his beady eyes and said:


There was a stunned silence.

Then slowly the ice-blue water emptied out of the president's eyes, the red stuff flowed in.

He grinned.


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