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Musicians in the metro. How do they capture the attention of a fast moving crowd?

In the Metro, the musicians play with varying levels of style and talent.

But always a pleasurable sound in the concrete beauty of the metro

with the anonymous crowd moving at breakneck speed.

But to be really successful, the musician must be good.

And, depending upon his instrument, a violin!...very very good.


And whether marvelously good, or just so so, the musician must choose the music they play very carefully.

The music has to hook the crowd. And this metro audience is a tough audience to hook.

Not only are they constantly on the move.

But how many of them have ready coins jiggling in their pocket,

ready to be pulled out and dropped into the musician's pad in the split second available.

The big challenge for Metro musicians is how to get someone to stop for that split second to throw in a coin.

There are chosen locations where musicians are picked to perform. And the innovative ones add

something to catch the attention -

like a colorful throw rug and a delightful bouquet of fake flowers to humanize the space!


And there is nothing like something completely out-of-the-blue to catch the a circus performer!


When a musician has figured out how to beat the odds and capture the attention of the crowd, they are

well rewarded for their ingenuity.

One of the most memorable experiences i have had was watching mesmerized a man

seated in the most desirable place in the Metro: the Lionel Groulx Metro,

He was playing the accordion on the platform where tons of people come sweeping in from one metro to

wait immobile for their connecting metro. The expression on their faces deadpan. A captive audience.

The music he was making was lively. It had a beat. The tunes were familiar.

And then it happened. And it happened one by one.

A waiting passenger's foot began to beat time along with the music,

Then. almost surreptitiously, she walked to the musician, her hand deep into her pocket.

And without looking into the eyes of the musician, pulled out a bill and dropped it into the hat.

She was the first one. But it started a happening.

Her act was repeated by other waiting passengers until the metro came.

Imagine this scene repeated all day between metros!

Odd, but I have not seen this musician - or any other musician

playing again at this most desirable location, the Lionel Groulx Metro.

Did the powers-that-be forbid access?

A pity. Space is precious.

The City has an obligation to use it to humanize the anonymous experience in the Metro.

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